To reopen our Peace Circles, Tabrielle and I decided to choose a very strong topic; The People vs. The Ruling Powers. We held a longs' night conversation about what could be discussed during this conversation. As presenting personal stories and perspectives, we mainly discussed the ego, oppression, humanity's depression, and the illusion of freedom. Before we started peace circle, I developed these questions that could possibly been answered.
1. What comes to mind when you read "The People vs. The Ruling Powers"?
2. The ego, how does this pertain to the people and the ruling powers?
3. Does the ego build oppression to civilization?
4. Does colonialism have anything to do with the ego?
5. Humanity's depression, let's talk about perspectives of natural disaster. How does capitalism and society's operation of resource play a role?
6. Our illusion of freedom, were we ever free after slave trades; And is our egos in the way of thinking we are free?
[Feel free to answer these questions on your own or comment below your answers, we'd like to read them.]
As most peace circles, it takes a while for people to warm up to each other. Luckily, some of our "regulars", mutual friends, and new-comers attended to our event. To start off our circle, we presented the purpose of peace circle and it's guidelines so everyone could be
on one accord. We usually start with "Roses & Thorns", sharing with the circle something good and something challenging that's
Here are some of our information and guidelines for Peace Circle:
Peace circle is a simple dialogue process that works intentionally to create a safe space to discuss by gathering around a concern or celebration sitting in circle.
Peace circle sole purpose is to improve relationships and resolve differences with the intent to find resolutions that serve everyone in the circle. Every participant has gifts to offer in finding a good solution to the problem or the thoughtfulness of the circle.
Circles have been parts of many cultures, as mentioned in our previous article Peace Circle: Realization of Ancestor's Practice, such a Native American and African cultures. circles have been the most central way of building community and creating peace and truth.
Circles often use a centerpiece which celebrates the culture of the communities present. The other part of circle process is the use of a talking piece, and object which is passed around the circle.
The person with the piece has the privilege of talking. Others without the piece has the privilege of listening. The talking piece gives each person time to speak their mind, eliminates interruption, or anyone dominating the conversation.
We are present to build: our quality, character, patience, humility, deep listening, acceptance, responsibility, willingness, ability to share, receive, give, and most of all, accountability.
Circles are not things or programs, but a way to be.
Circles are sacred spaces.
Circles are not controlled but collective empowerment.
Circles are not about what you do while in circle, as it is about how you are in life.
Speaking from your heart means to share your truth, experience, feelings- without blaming or judging others. Honestly tell your own story as you are feeling safe to do so.
Listen from the heart when someone has the talking piece. Listen with an open mind and heart. We can all call this active, deep, compassionate, listening.
even though you may not agree.
what is said in the circle, stays in the circle.
been going on in your life. This gives us a way to see where everyone's head space is and we get to know you a bit more. We started our peace circle with a meditation by Tabrielle. She's been studying "Initiatic Tales of Hej-Ptah: Kemetic Initiation Stories" written by Dogon Priest and Prophet, Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig. The stories told in this book are those told in the "Mystery School" Initiation (M'TAM) camps deep in the African bush. They are the same Initiation stories that were told to Pharaohs and their Priests in the Temples of Thebes and Memphis. The stories are more than just stories, however, and the Initiates know that each tale contains ancient wisdom and knowledge to help guide them on their journey. Tabrielle's meditation started with a quote from the story, "The Order of Things: Knowing how to establish the order of values is important." This quote says:
"We like to run from life's challenges by reducing them to the dimensions of our illusions. For example, it is not easy to see an enemy in our neighbor or in our system and our government which cleverly places us in the logic of war, with the goal of distracting us and making us worry about something other than the quality of the society they are administrating."
The meditations started after Tabrielle's presentation of this quote. Immediately we spoke on distractions. Distractions presented by the news everyday. Distractions from people surrounding us. Distractions from our own selves. We have to question ourselves what are we really being exposed to and how does it benefit us? Does it even benefit us? We have to be careful of what we think or see. We may not be aware of what we are exposed to more to what you may perceive. Someone mentioned on solely focusing on the self as our destiny is the path while paying attention to poison. More meditations came onto the order of chaos and the 4 C's: controlled, confused, consume, and conflict. As conflict is manufactured, misplaced pride & ego, and misguided ideology. Is the media distracting you from being you?
Another quote presented from the "Initiatic Tales of Hej-Ptah: Kemetic Initiation Stories" story, "The Con and the Naïve"
"We have interest in understanding that nature is the limit of the human being, and everything we project out of the nature can only rush the destruction of humankind. Despite this truth, we still think that the world is an offense to our arrogance and , when we take a closer look at modern values, we observe that our values are simply conventional and our goals are only determined by redefined values of a few years ago. The important person is the one who succeeds in surrounding himself with the materials that are declared important, forgetting that in the middle of all this material, there is an individual gesturing and struggling to maintain the illusion that he is better than others because he or she possesses more of those materials than others."
Tabrielle chose this quote because it connects with what's going on in our reality such as recent hurricanes, polluted oceans, GMO foods in relation to disease, global warming, surgery on the body, western medicine and pharmaceuticals,
and how the government wants to take the place of nature. It's an illusion because nature is the truth. The short tale, "The con and the Naïve", represents the case of the ruler would be the con and the naïve would be the people.
Our next Peace Circle will be about the illusions of freedom and how that plays a role onto ourselves and society.
Are we really freed and in what ways are we free?
What are your thoughts?
Comment below or email us at
Peace Circles are every last Thursday of the month at
Frontline Books
5206 S. Harper Ave.
Chicago, IL 60615